Start Building Habits.

Do you have the desire to get in shape? Many times all you need is a little push to get you started, keep you going, or get you that last mile to reach your goal. This is where Bike Buddy will motivate you to get you where you want to be. You don't have to go it alone. No matter when you want to ride, where you want to ride, or how far you want to ride, you will have somene there to help get or keep you motivated to be the best you that you can be.

Get Started Today!

Fill out this form and one of our trainers will schedule a consult.

Have you worked with a trainer before?

What We Do

We are here every step to help you stay motivated and reach your fitness goals. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, train for a race, or just get out and enjoy the trails, we are here to help you do just that. Having someone there to push you can be the difference between reaching for the finish line or reaching for the remote control. We get you excited, and keep you on track!

What You Do

Step 1.

Fill Out the Form Above.

You're already here, so why not?

Step 2.

Consult with one of our trainers

Are you here to build muscle, lose weight, or just feel good?

Step 3.

Get Riding

Hit the ground rolling (literally) once your trainer lays out your plan.

Step 4.

See Results.

Bi-weekly checkins with your trainer will keep you focused.

Meet The Trainers

Arron Stephens in hins workout clothes, ready to pump iron

Arron Stephens

Speed / Strength

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Joanna Gill cooling off after a workout

Joanna Gill


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Harry Smith wearing a headband and lifting comically small pink weights

Harry "the Headband" Smith


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Reach Out

Bike Buddy

Any questions or concerns bofore signing up?
Let us know and we'll be happy to talk to you!

55 Main Street
Some Town, CA
P: 555.BIK.BUDZ (555.786.2839)

Contact Us